
Black Friday Sandal Sale
Being a small business that handmakes limited edition luxury Sandals, it’s quite rare that I run any sort of sale. However, this year as a special thank you to my loyal customers I’m offering a two-day Black Friday sale on my red, yellow and green designs. These were the hottest colours in Europe this Summer. So be quick, I have very limited batches of each design and the sale will end at midnight on Saturday 27 November. Lots of love, Cheryl xx

7 Summer Fashion Looks You’ll Love
I’m a girl that absolutely loves Summer, aside from a ski holiday once or twice a year. Most of the time I live in pretty but casual dresses and I team them with my Ankalia Sandals. I’m just your average Aussie girl, so I feel all these looks can be worn by anyone. The photos are “real” in that I’ve taken them all at home outside my little Sandal studio with a hand-held remote control that syncs with my iPhone. So, no photoshopping and no editing. Its’ all “real.” If I want to “dress-up” my look slightly I wear my...

Six Questions to Ask Yourself When Shopping for Jeans
Everyone I know seems to find it really hard to shop for jeans. Believe it or not, I only own a few pairs of jeans and I actually only wore one pair all of this year. It’s taken me FOREVER to find the right cut and fit for my body type. I like them to be comfy of course (who doesn’t), and I can’t stand it when I struggle to get them on, over my feet. I also like them to be the right waist height and the right width at the ankle and lower leg. I’m like Goldilocks! I...

Green Summer Chic
Being a girl who loves colour is probably what piqued my interest initially with all the beautiful Swarovski crystal Sandals I saw whilst studying and holidaying in Italy. In terms of colour, I’m very much a pink and blue girl, however I’m loving all the shades of green I’m seeing this Summer. Especially what I’ve seen at Country Road. So many of the greens go with my Sandal designs. Here I’m wearing a singlet and ruffle skirt in Avocado green from Country Road with my Sylvia sandals. This celery green dress is also a fantastic bright, happy option from Country...

Stylish Summer Dressing for Over 40s
Dressing when you are over 40 does not mean giving up your personal style. I certainly encourage women of all ages to dress in a way that makes them feel good about themselves but at the same time they need to be mindful of dressing in a way that is age appropriate. Turning 40 sometimes brings changes in body shape and appearance which can make shopping for new seasons fashions quite challenging. You might feel you don’t want to start shopping in stores for older ladies but some styles that seem youthful or on-trend can accentuate your age. I encourage...
- over 40s summer fashion